Getting Back to Simple

100_2014When did life get so complicated??? I don’t remember when my life wasn’t so cluttered or even how it all happened, but without a doubt I WILL remember when this craziness ends and it will be soon! It has become the elephant in the room that I’m none too fond of and seriously looking for a way to send him packing. It’s just a matter of finding a plan of attack to this project… BUT like the old saying asks, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” For me, one bite at a time is the only way I won’t end up hiding in the fetal position, somewhere in the house.

Over the years, I’ve bought countless organization books, magazines, and supplies, but have never implemented the ideas within. Now, I’m too tired of moving things around and making no noticeable progress.

Have you ever been or are you at the same point? I can tell you, without a doubt that I’m beyond sick of it. There’s a peace that comes from living a simple life; I want this and can bet that others of you feel the same way.

So, how do we get from point A to point B? For me, it began with several visits from the Vietnam Veterans of America, as you can schedule pickups at your convenience. I adore our veterans, so this seemed like a good place to start with a “win/win” solution. I’m still a long way from my desired goal, but this has helped weed out a lot and knowing that I’m helping others feels good (which helps the process).

The next phase is eliminating, while gaining some much needed cash. I’ve started listing purses, totes, and clothes among other things on eBay, to additionally clear the clutter. This is a solid idea, especially when you are a clothes horse, much like I am. I have to ask… Why do we save so many articles of clothing that we will never wear again??? Is it sentimentality or something else? For me, I think that a big part of it is the sentimentality aspect. I’m absurdly sentimental! I still have my 24 year old’s stuffed Barney the Dinosaur and the sleeper his first photos were taken in… Why? Because I get all squishy when I touch and look at them. Therein lies the challenge, deciding and actually letting go.

We need to make a plan and FOLLOW THROUGH! I’ve made it my goal to eliminate three bags (large garbage sized bags) per week. Whether it’s donated, sold, or tossed, it MUST go. This is a doable challenge, but even with that; don’t expect this to be an overnight fix. It takes time. We didn’t accumulate all this nonsense and baggage overnight; don’t expect to eliminate it overnight, without a dumpster.

So this week join me in starting this challenge and eliminate three bags from your life… Please feel free to share what you did to simplify your life… Each week, I hope to share more downsizing tips and how I’m doing with the process and once I reach my goal, I hope to share some photos that will blow you away.

Have a wonderful week and work to simplify your lives…

Time for a Little Downsizing

41181_1590768054141_4501674_nChoosing to write late at night, while loaded on cold meds isn’t likely one of my better idea, but hey, I love to live on the edge. In the last six months, I’ve left a miserable job, restarted a business I had given up on, and continued to downsize and simplify my life. All of which have had their challenges, but I’m much happier.

One of the lessons I’ve learned over the last year is that happiness doesn’t come from cool job titles. I’d somehow forgot that not everyone needs a title to be content and being happy is FAR more important than having a title and feeling miserable on a daily basis. Somewhere over the past few years, I’ve forgotten that fact and needed a reminder.

In restarting my career business, I’ve got back to helping people, which is a very big deal in my life. Although it can be frustrating working with people that sometimes don’t want what’s best for themselves or don’t understand what it truly costs to achieve what they want… Let’s face it, working with people can be difficult as a whole, but the wins are far more frequent and FAR more rewarding than those difficult and impossible people. Giving back and making a difference in people’s lives is what moves me forward.

Downsizing and simplifying is a daily challenge for me, but in it, I’m making money on eBay and making Goodwill very desk goalhappy. Another win,win. It’s never easy for someone that has some big time “hoarding” issues, but it’s gradually happening. I’m looking forward to the added time this will also be adding to my life. One of my greatest hurdles was to decide on just one craft to enjoy and ditch the others… Okay people, you know how hard THAT can be! For the artsy types, this can be pure hell, but I did it and am now clearing this area out, as well.

I’m looking forward to a life less cluttered and stressful and highly recommend it to everyone. None of us need the added stress that cluttered and unappreciated lives create. We’re all more than this and can be more, if we just learn to let go of those things that are weighing us down. By the way, this picture of my desk is the goal, as it was this way for all of a day about a year and a half ago. 🙂

Let’s take this week to look at our lives and see if there are areas that would improve, if we just did a little housecleaning (metaphorically and otherwise)… Then moving forward to making changes that will make us, each a happier and less stressed person.

Feel free to let me know what changes you made and how they helped you take better care of YOU.

Have a great week and keep smiling!

While you’re at it, enjoy the flowers and sunshine.