Hello My Angels

I KNOW!!! It’s been FOREVER!

But I’m back and we’re in for a ride…

Have spent the last six years as a caregiver, with life spinning by far faster than I could have imagined possible. While it was happening, it seemed all consuming, but now it seems like it all happened in the blink of an eye. Hold your parents close because time goes by so quickly and one day they will be gone.

My parents always said that I was born in the wrong decade. With a love of music and movies of the 40s and 50s, as far back as I can remember. I loved me some Martin and Lewis, as well as Crosby and Hope. Even now, I can listen to Dean Martin’s music all day and night. I never tire of the classics. The music and movies of today don’t come close to bringing on the joy, the way old the old stuff did.

After all the craziness of the past few years and losing both of my parents, I needed some time to allow the dust to settle and just gather myself. For so long, I hadn’t had the chance to think about much of anything beyond caring for them and as much as it was such an honor, it was difficult and heavy a load to carry.

It’s been nearly a year and suddenly my mind is spinning to all that I want to do and achieve. Among all the busyness, I have come back to old hobbies and loves of mine… Ventriloquism and magic.

I gave up both, as I entered high school because I didn’t want to be seen as a nerd… So, I joined marching band (I guess I didn’t get the memo on that one… LOL!).

Now, I’ve embraced my nerdom and am all in. I’ve spent an obscene amount of money on puppets and tech to entertain the masses (actually, just my neighborhood kids “at the moment”, but that will soon be changing). The Little Library and Storytime Project, as I like to call it (also known as Reading with Rascals) has started to come to life.

A website is in development, as well as a YouTube channel and Instagram account and by midsummer it should be starting to go “live.” By fall, a once-a-week story reading and/or activity will be happening. Children need a place where they can be kids, find hope, and enjoy the magic around them. My goal is to help create that place.

Words can’t express the gratitude I have for all the people that have come together to help this dream come true. I have the most incredible friends!

I’ve rambled on enough now and have so much to do, but I wanted to share this with all of you that have supported my insanity for all these years.

Brace yourself and buckle up… I’m taking you along with me and my little friends for this ride.

I promise you will smile.

Until next time…