Get Your Gratitude On With Four Ways to Spread Some Sunshine


Wow! Can you believe that Thanksgiving is already upon us??? I know! I don’t know where the year went, either.

It’s been a tough year for many, but we’ve survived and need to focus on the positives, not all the negatives. It can be difficult, but seeing the bright side goes a long way in creating a good life and there’s ALWAYS a little good in the bad.

As someone that has survived cancer, it takes a bit more to shake me and I realize that every day is a gift that we need to be grateful for… No matter the circumstances.

So… This week, put on your gratitude and get happy dancin’ because there are lives that we need to brighten. Remember those that will be spending this holiday alone and consider inviting or visiting them, so they aren’t lonely.

There are so many ideas out there for touching lives, but I’ll share a few that I love:

  • Bake and share some of your favorite yummies. Whether it’s cookies, candies, or even homemade jellies; all are wonderful gifts. Dress them up and they make beautiful gift ideas.
  • Spend some time with an older friend that would otherwise be alone… This one is especially important to me because the elderly are often forgotten this time of year and likely the ones that would appreciate a visit the most.
  • Remember those that are sick… Cancer strikes too many and it makes this time of year very difficult for those going through treatment. Cancer is a lonely place and I can tell you, a visit is gold because many avoid visiting because they don’t know what to say or do. Just visit, you don’t have to say or do anything special… Just be there.
  • And finally… Adopt a needy family or individual. This can be done easily and doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Just secretly surprise with little gifts through the holidays. I guarantee that you will brighten a life.

These are just a few ways you can brighten lives and get that gratitude on during this holiday season. It doesn’t have to cost anything to create a smile and goodness knows we need to get out there and spread some serious sunshine of late. It will warm your heart and make you appreciate the blessings you’ve been given.

Thank you for being a part of my life and I look forward to spending more time with you in the future.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving.

If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “thank you,” that would suffice. ~Meister Eckhart

Bring on the Kindness!

Here we are sitting down for Thanksgiving with our family and friends… Can you believe another year is wrapping up and the holidays are upon us? The year has flown by and so much good has come of it! From job changes to reopening my résumé business, it’s been exciting and I’ve been blessed. The year has offered so many wonderful opportunities and I’m looking forward to the surprises of 2015!

I hope this year has been good to you and you’ve opened your eyes to all that the world has to offer, if you simply choose to see it. My greatest hope is for this site to give hope and a reason to smile with every visit.

Now, as we decorate our homes for the month ahead, let’s try to remember those that don’t have as much as we do. Open our hearts and homes to others to make lives better (both ours and theirs). Share kindness and spread joy.

There’s no better time to get out there with random acts of kindness and helping the elderly. The opportunities are limitless… I’m always looking for stories of kindness to share. Just send me a message and your story could be shared, as in the coming year, I’ll be sharing special people that get out there and make a difference. I want to see 2015 being a year of kindness… No act is too small.

Happy Thanksgiving and Bring on the Kindness!

Be an angel this season…

If you haven’t any charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble. ~Bob Hope